Hello! Welcome to my UX/UI portfolio.

Hello, my name is Leilane and this is my UX/UI portfolio. It was created so that you can get to know me a little better and learn more about my work. Currently, I am a UX/UI Designer, Front-end Developer (JavaScript, TypeScript, React), content creator on @diariode_ux (Instagram), and on Medium as Leilane Negrinho.

I graduated as a Product Designer - UX/UI from UX Unicórnio, and I am currently pursuing a second degree in Product Design. I've completed several Front-End courses (Programaria, Alura, Let's Code (Ada), Rocketseat, and some boot camps), and I am currently enrolled in an MBA program in Design Thinking and Project Management.

I am always eager to learn new things, naturally curious, and I love new challenges. Feel free to reach out! And if your curiosity gets the better of you, don't hesitate to chat with me!

Photo:Light-skinned brunette, with blonde straight hair and lightly pinkish lipstick.

Photo:Light-skinned brunette, with blonde straight hair and lightly pinkish lipstick.

<aside> 📄 My Resume


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Want to know more about me? Click here!

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Contact me

e-mail- [email protected]

Telefone-(+55) 83-99177-98766 / 84-99688-7556

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<aside> 📹 Youtube


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